Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear Jonh by Nicholas Sparks

I recently finished the book Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. Its a story about a man named John who has never been close to his dad and has been a rebel his whole life. He joins the army to grow up and he sure does. On leave he meets Savannah, a girl who changes his whole life. John learns what love means and how it can change your life in ways you could have never imagined. I thought this book was great. It was beautifully written and you could just feel the emotions of Savannah and John as they grew closer. I read this book because i wanted to read it before i saw the movie, which i have yet to see. WARNING*** tear alert is on high, make sure you have some tissues towards the end because it is a tear-jerker. I wasn't sure i felt about the ending, but after some time and thought, i realized that it was the right way if not the best way to end the story. I give it a 7/10. I thought the way Nicholas Sparks talked about love was so real and true and the story so passionate and emotional. Let me know what u think!!!

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